
Welcome to Single, Pregnant & Preemie – a blog about my experience as a single mother since pregnancy and life in the NICU with my 30-week baby.

I started my blog after struggling to find relatable content from other women who were single and pregnant. Fast forward three years and I regularly receive lovely messages thanking me for my content, which is so rewarding.

My blog is now a combination of all things single parenting, balancing childcare with a career, supporting women and whatever else takes my fancy. I also host the Cardiff Baby and Toddler Group Directory which lists pay-as-you-go and toddler groups in the city. All entries are linked to the relevant websites to enable parents to check if they are still running. I created the list after being fed up of the outdated list my health visitor handed to me – nobody wants to get a baby out of the house and be stuck outside an empty church hall!

For collaboration requests or queries, please e-mail me via the contact page.